Monday, November 26, 2007

Questions to Ponder

If forced to choose, would you be a Blood or a Crip and why?

If you could be any sitcom character from the 80's till now, who would you
be and why?

Who was your favorite and least favorite Saved by the Bell characters and
why? (Miss Bliss and College Years included)

If you could be any character from the OC, Melrose Place or Beverly Hills
90210 who would you be and why?

If there could be only one breakfast cereal served in the world, what would
you want it to be?

If you could have one and only one fast food meal (3 items + drink) what
would it be?

If you could have a gourmet meal featuring one ingredient for an appetizer,
one for a main course, and one for a dessert, what would they be?

If you could be any world leader throughout history, who would it be and why?

If you could be any sports star of all-time, who would you be and why?

Would you rather be able to become invisible at will or walk at 100 mph?

What movie do you like better - Reality Bites or Singles?

What is your favorite trilogy (or beyond) and why?

Do you think Keanu Reeves is a good actor? If so, please list three good
acting performances of his.

Biggie or Tupac? Is either one still really alive? If so, which one?

Lindsay Lohan or Hillary Duff?

Coke or Pepsi?

Who do you think killed Kennedy and why?

Fritos or Cheetos?

If you opened a restaurant with your name as the name, what kind of food
would it serve?

Serena or Venus?

If you could: A: pick any 3 people every to smoke a joint with or B: pick
any 3 people to play a round of golf with or C: pick any 3 people to go to
dinner with - which would you pick, who would you pick and why?

Coke or Pepsi?

If you could be either: chief justice of the Supreme Court, Head of the FBI,
or a Judge on American Idol, which would you be and why?

Seinfeld or Friends?

What do you think is the most overrated TV show of your lifetime and why?

If you could pick any 25 yr period in American history (1775-1800,
1801-1825, etc) to live in, what would it be and why?

Nirvana or Pearl Jam?

Is France a bad country or just full of bad people?

Pacino or Deniro?

If you could only have two food groups, what would they be and why?

Would you rather have a 200 acre estate in some rural area of the west or a 2000 sq ft apt off Gramercy Park?

Porterhouse, Strip or Filet?

If you could be any TV show character of the last 25 years who would you be
and why?

Sean Penn or Johnny Depp?

Have you watched Arrested Development? If not, why??

If you could be a contestant on any reality show which one would it be and

Thin crust or deep dish?

If you could have a job as a taste tester for any one type of food (make
your own parameters here) what type would it be and why?

Bo or Carrie?

Favorite item to throw on the grill?

Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?

If you could be any dictator of all time, who would you be and why?

Atlantic or Pacific?

Favorite company or brand? Most hated company or brand?

Greek salad or Caesar salad?

What is the most underrated music trend/phase/fad of the last 25 years?

Who do you think the next celebrity to hold a major elected office will be
and why?

Maxim or FHM?

Would you rather own a helicopter or a yacht (both come with crew)?

Rambo or Predator?

Would you rather direct or star in a movie if given the chance?

Britney or Christina?

What is your favorite movie that you think nobody knows about?

Cracked crab or lobster?

Does it bother you that Spring and Fall no longer exist? Why or why not?

Road Trip or Old School?

If you could create your own reality show, what would it be about and
what would the name be?

Spain or Italy?

Batman or Superman?

If you could run any company, what company would it be?

If you were stranded on a desert island with only one band or artist's
music to listen to, who would it be?

Have you ever seen the HBO movie Blown Away? If so, any comments?

Vanilla or Chocolate?

What will happen first: Britney Spears goes into porn or the Olsen twins
pose for Playboy?

American League or National League?

If you could play the role of any movie character in your everyday life,
who would it be and why?

Burger King or McDonalds? or Wendy's?

In 20 words or less, tell me why you should be our next Supreme Court

Law and Order or CSI?

Would you rather have every Monday off or every Friday off?

Tom Cruise - alien or human?

If you could go live and work in any city in the world for two years
where would it be and what would you do?

Soft tacos or hard shell tacos?

Most effective hangover meal/remedy?.

Better president - Kevin Kline, Michael Douglas or Jeff Bridges?

Better Batman - Christian Bale, Michael Keaton or Val Kilmer?

Nike or Adidas?

Favorite Atlantic Ocean beach - or if you prefer, favorite Pacific Ocean

Simpsons or Family Guy?

What book have you read that you feel would make a great movie, but it
hasn't been done yet?

Live 8 or 5 Alive?

What was the bigger cultural phenomenon - the walkman or the ipod?

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